Application of ferro phosphorus

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Ferro phosphorus can be used instead of zinc powder. The main reason is that zinc powder is more expensive as an anti-corrosion material. Using ferro phosphorus instead of zinc powder can not only reduce the smelting cost, but also achieve better anticorrosion performance of zinc powder in terms of use effect, but phosphorus What is the effect of iron instead of zinc powder has always been a problem that many manufacturers do not understand.

The reason why ferro phosphorus can be used instead of zinc powder and produce anti-corrosion effect is that it uses the cathodic protection characteristics of ferro phosphorus. In actual smelting, ferro phosphorus can form a conductive path, and then react with the major corrosive medium of air, so that the smelted steel It has certain anti-corrosion properties.
In addition, the combination of ferro phosphorus and zinc powder can be used for smelting, which can greatly increase the utilization rate of zinc powder in smelting and effectively save smelting costs, and the effect of ferro phosphorus replacing zinc powder generally accounts for about 20-50%. , this value is not fixed according to various factors such as the number of operation launches and product demand.

Zinc powder has good anti-corrosion properties. Usually, when making coatings, an appropriate proportion of zinc powder is added for coating anti-corrosion, but zinc powder has always been expensive in terms of price, which increases the cost of coating anti-corrosion. After testing, iron phosphorus powder It has a certain anti-corrosion effect, and can be used instead of zinc powder, so that the coating has anti-corrosion effect, and at the same time reduces the production cost, because phosphorus iron powder is cheaper than zinc powder, so it can effectively control the production cost and improve the manufacturer's efficiency.
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